Paul Burgess
Hello, it's Paul! This page is here to help if you're searching my name and looking for me. I'll try to include some info here that might help.
I was at Warden park School, in Cuckfield, West Sussex from 1998-1993 and Haywards Heath college between 1993-1995. I then attended Bournemouth University from 1995-1998.
After that, I worked at Frizzell & Liverpool Victoria in Bournemouth until 2005, when I moved back to Brighton and worked at the CSMA, Latest Magazine and Madgex.
With some friends, we created and ran the popular website between 2000-2010.
For the past twelve years, I've been running my own web design business, Delarge Design with clients including Oasis, PJ Harvey, Moby, Mel C, Underworld, alt-J, El-P, Wolf Alice, Röyksopp, Run the Jewels and many more.